Press contact
Sunita Kaczorek
Communication for the Zolling site
T: 08167 99-507
Zolling, 25.01.2023 – The winning projects of the Zolling 2022 Power Plant Citizens’ Fund were honored today at a ceremony. A total of 17 associations and social institutions from the region can look forward to individual grants of between 300 and 2,000 euros. In total, the Zolling power plant provided a budget of 20,000 euros for the Citizens’ Fund 2022. An independent jury decided on the allocation of the funds.
Lothar Schreiber, head of the Zolling power plant: “After we were unable to advertise the citizens’ fund for two years in a row due to the pandemic, I am delighted that we can again make an active contribution to social life in the power plant’s neighborhood. As an important employer in the region, we will continue to support an active civil society.”
An independent jury consisting of Helmut Priller, Mayor of Zolling, Arabella Gittler-Reichel, Head of the Office for Youth and Family in the Freising District Office, Gottfried Herrmann, Head of the 3klang gGmbH Music School in Freising and Anja Aigner, Municipal Councillor Haag a. d. Amper took on the responsible task of selecting the funding projects from the 31 applications. The project applications could be submitted during a six-week period from August 12 to September 26, 2022.
As a partner of the region, the Zolling power plant has been promoting local charitable projects for more than nine years. This year, initiators and non-profit sponsors from the communities of Attenkirchen, Haag an der Amper, Kirchdorf an der Amper, Langenbach, Marzling, Nandlstadt, Wolfersdorf, Zolling and the town of Freising were again able to apply for financial support for their projects.
The entire Zolling power plant would like to thank all participants for their application, congratulate the award winners and looks forward to the implementation of the award-winning projects.
Winner of the Zolling 2022 Citizens’ Fund:
Sport-Club Kirchdorf e.V.: 2,000 euros for an outdoor table tennis board for the generation meeting point.
Bürger Zolling initiative: 500 euros for the “Zolling zockt” games club
Kinderhaus Marzling: 550 euros for “Out into the garden and nature”
Marina-Thudichum Elementary School Haag an der Amper: 2,000 euros for “My Body is My Friend”
Parents’ Association Karl-Meichelbeck-Realschule e.V.: 2,000 euros for the violence prevention project “Look and don’t look away, because everyone is okay”
Helferkreis Zolling für Asyl und Integration e.V.: 1,700 euros for “Schwimmen 23”; swimming courses for refugee children
Kinderhaus Haag: 550 euros for “Gymnastics is fun”
SpVgg Attenkirchen: 2,000 euros for the climbing forest
FFW Zolling: 1.500 Euro for fire prevention education at kindergarten and school
Dorfgemeinschaft Palzing: 1.000 Euro for roofed seating group made of rustic solid wood
Tutuguri e.V. Attenkirchen: 1.000 Euro for artists’ mile at the railroad embankment
Nachbarschaftshilfe Zolling e.V.: 600 Euro for installation of nesting boxes and learning German together
Marzling Elementary School: 1,500 euros for project week “A musical journey around the world”
Elementary school St. Korbinian: 300 Euro for farm visit of the tandem class 4c
3klang gGmbH: 800 Euro for “Xylo and his friends” – a xylophone course for children
Sektion Freising von 1887 e.V. des Deutschen Alpenvereins (DAV): 1,500 euros for climbing for children and young people with physical and mental disabilities
Kitz Savers e.V.: 500 euros for drone for animal rescue
Press contact
Sunita Kaczorek
Communication for the Zolling site
T: 08167 99-507