At three locations we currently operate hard-coal-fired power plants with an installed electrical capacity of around 2,000 MW. Our plants have state-of-the-art technology, are highly efficient with good infrastructure connections. Not depending on the weather, the plants provide energy for the electricity grid in Germany and the Netherlands in a controlled and reliable way. Particularly in view of the currently still volatile power feeds from wind and sun, the power plants make an important contribution to supply and grid stability.
From coal phase-out to CO2-friendly electricity production
With around 2,000 megawatts of installed generation capacity, the Onyx Power plants contribute to the secure supply of electricity and heat in Germany and the Netherlands. By 2030, the portfolio is to be converted to climate-friendly technologies and new generation capacity is to be built. This includes both the conversion of existing plants to alternative and environmentally friendly fuels, as well as the expansion of sites into modern, energy-efficient energy parks.
In parallel, Onyx Power is phasing out coal-fired power generation along the government-defined phase-out paths in Germany and the Netherlands.
Responsible sourcing of raw materials is a top priority for Onyx Power. To ensure this in our day-to-day business operations, we follow 12 sustainability criteria when purchasing coal. In addition, we are a member of the Better Coal Initiative, an association of European companies to improve the sustainability of supply chains in the coal industry. Further information on the sustainability criteria can be found here.